
Nintendo Power Relaunches as Official Podcast

The Nintendo Power magazine is fondly remembered by hundreds of thousands of gamers who subscribed for years and are now adults continuing to game on the Switch$299.99 at Amazon and 3DS. But in 2012 the magazine ended its run after 21 years and 285 issues. However, as we’re just about to hit 2018 Nintendo Power is making a comeback, only this time it’s as an official Nintendo podcast.

The host of this new podcast is Chris Slate, who was editor-in-chief on the magazine for five years during the Wii-era of Nintendo. As Polygon explains, the first episode includes interviews with Eiji Aonuma and Hidemaro Fujibayashi  producer and director), speaks with Kit Ellis from the Nintendo Minute YouTube series, and Damon Barker, head of third-party relations at Nintendo of America.

Slate also starts off the podcast by making it clear Nintendo isn’t quite sure what the podcast should be yet so they are experimenting to see what works.

I doubt the podcast team will be short of feedback from listeners and this could turninto a very popular podcast for Nintendo and a very easy way to help promote new games for both of the company’s hardware platforms. Keeping  on the radar in 2018 is especially important for Nintendo in 2018 as the Switch is sure to dominate the press and marketing campaigns. The podcast should help with that.

Above is the Soundcloud version of the podcast, but Nintendo is also making it available on iTunes and Google Play soon. At just over an hour in length it should form the perfect distraction on a commute this week when you’d rather still be at home eating more chocolate and enjoying your presents.