
No, the Justice Department Didn't Cripple Microsoft. The Internet Took Care of …

Internet VS Privacy – A Helpful Venn Diagram
Internet News
Image by Dave Makes
After yet another news story about Facebook leaking personal information, I figured I’d make this reminder to myself.

Update on re-use: I get a lot of mail from people who want to use this. So here’s the deal: Go ahead! You have my permission, internet. Do what you want, it belongs to all of us now.

No, the Justice Department Didn't Cripple Microsoft. The Internet Took Care of

Internet News
Not surprisingly, a lot has been written over the past few days, not just about the upcoming retirement of Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer and the impact his departure will have on the software giant, but also about his legacy, such as it is …

Maybe the most accurate news story ever
Internet News
Image by mmahaffie
I had to grab a screen shot of this, since it likely will disappear soon.

Troubles Ahead for Internet Advertising

Internet News
Much of the Web relies on advertising income, but anti-ad technology could put a dent in that revenue. A recent report from the Web service PageFair said that on average 22.7 percent of visitors to 220 Web sites were using ad-blocking software, which …

News agencies
Internet News
Image by Saül Gordillo
La col·lecció Lexikon –editada per la Generalitat de Catalunya– analitza les principals agències del món a l’era d’Internet entre les quals hi figura l’ACN i el seu model de periodisme multimèdia. El llibre News Agencies in the Turbulent Era of the Internet –editat amb motiu del 10è aniversari de l’ACN– es presentarà el dilluns 15 de maig es presentarà, a les 18h, a l’auditori del campus de la Comunicació de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (carrer Roc Boronat, 138 de Barcelona). En l’acte intervindran el conseller de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació, Joan Manuel Tresserras, i Oliver Boyd-Barret, director de l’Escola d’Estudis de Comunicació de la Bowling Green State University d’Ohio i editor del volum.